Chicago a cappella‘s debut recording presents works from one of Renaissance Italy’s best known composers, the Roman choirmaster Palestrina, including his rarely heard masterpiece Missa O magnum mysterium. Also included are several of Palestrina’s Christmas hymns, which alternate between verses of polyphony and verses of Gregorian chant, and the six-voice motet “O magnum mysterium,” on which Palestrina based his mass of the same name.
- Laura Amend
- Carol LoVerde
- Susan Schober
- Terry Sullivan
- Cary Lovett
- Trevor Mitchell
- Matt Greenberg
- Robert Heitzinger
- Jonathan Miller
the ensemble shows great sensitivity in phrasing and choice of articulation….Choral aficionados will be grateful that these wonderful works have been recorded so successfully…
Additional Details
Centaur Records CRC2303
Running time: 54:40
Includes 14-page booklet with full texts and translations
Recorded at St. Giles’ Episcopal Church, Northbrook, IL