Alex Quackenbush - Chicago a cappella

Alex Quackenbush


Chicago-based baritone, Alexander Quackenbush is excited to appear with Chicago a cappella and sing in his first chamber choir concert series in the Chicagoland area!

Alexander is a dexterous performer with stylistic competencies including the classical operatic repertoire, modern jazz, musical theatre and contemporary stylings. Notable recent solo appearances include Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof with the Seagle Festival and the Father in Hänsel und Gretel with McGill Opera Theatre.

He has also had the privilege of participating in outreach touring across upstate New York bringing a children’s opera and musical revue to 30+ venues, and has been maintaining a private voice studio for the past five years. He also has participated in table reads, demo recordings and workshops of new/in progress operas, musicals and small chamber works offering his stylistic versatility, curiosity and love of collaboration.

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