Rebecca Fitzpatrick - Chicago a cappella

Rebecca Fitzpatrick


Rebecca Fitzpatrick is a vocalist, pianist, and music educator working in the Chicagoland area.

She received her Master’s from Westminster Choir College (Vocal Performance and Pedagogy, 2019) and her Bachelor’s of Music from Wheaton College (2017). 
Becca has performed as a featured soloist in the Wheaton College Faculty Concert Series as well as with the Harper Festival Chorus, Chicago Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, and in various local churches. She enjoys singing contemporary music and has premiered a number of original compositions. Her past roles include Adele (Die Fledermaus), Belinda (Dido and Aeneas), and Second Lady (Die Zauberflöte). Becca sings with the Grant Park Festival Chorus. 
In addition to performing, Becca teaches lessons to all ages through the Bellas Artes School of Music where she also serves as the Operations Manager

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