HerVoice Winning Compositions - Chicago a cappella

Winners are listed alphabetically, followed by the year their piece won the HerVoice competition.

Taja Astar: Cranes Coming Home (2024)

Text by Taja Astar

SSAATTBB a cappella

Premiere: Santa Fe Desert Chorale, TBA

Brittney Benton: Invitation to Love (2022)

Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar

SSAATTBB a cappella

Premiere: Feb. 18-Mar. 5, 2023, by Chicago a cappella


Grace Brigham: Sundowning (2023)

Text by Shae Lime

SATB a cappella

Premiere: Feb. 17-25, 2024, by Chicago a cappella


Jennifer Lucy Cook: On The Mountain (2023)

Text by Jennifer Lucy Cook

SATB, optional snare and piano

Score available through Oxford University Press

Lindsey Cotter: Cairn (2024)

Text by Lindey Cotter

SSATB a cappella

Premiere: Vancouver Youth Choir, TBA

Agustina Crespo: Haikus (2024)

SSAATTB a cappella

Premiere: Chicago a cappella, TBA

Devon Gates: Meditation on 1 Corinthians 13 (2023)

Text by Devon Gates

Premiere: Mar. 29-Apr. 6, 2025, by Chicago a cappella

Sarai Hillman: Psalm 59:16 C. Safety & Refuge (2021)

Text: Scripture

SSAATTBB a cappella

Premiere: Feb 11-18, 2022, by Chicago a cappella


Andalena G. Jackson: Thoughts (2023)

Text: Myra Viola Wilds

SSAATTBB a cappella

Premiere: July 21, 2024, by Santa Fe Desert Chorale


Inna Onofrei: Lullaby (2022)

Text: Alfred Lord Tennyson

SATB a cappella

Premiere: Feb. 18-Mar. 5, 2023, by Chicago a cappella


Jessica Rudman: Credo (2021)

Text: Alfred Kreymborg

SATB a cappella

Premiere: April 8, 2023, by Kansas City Chorale


Kira Rugen: Windows to Paradise (2022)

SSAATTBB a cappella

HerVoice premiere: Nov. 5, 2023, by Vancouver Youth Choir


Leah Tracy: sing to us, cedars (2021)

Text: Emily Pauline Johnson

10 part choir a cappella

Premiere: April 8, 2023, by Kansas City Chorale


Emma Wilde: Light is Withheld (2024)

Text: Job 38:4, 6-7, 15 (abridged)

SATB a cappella

Premiere: Chicago a cappella, TBA

Edna Yeh: I wandered lonely as a cloud (2021)

Text: William Wordsworth

SATB a cappella

Premiere: Feb 11-18, 2022, by Chicago a cappella


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