Past Event Archives - Page 4 of 23 - Chicago a cappella

Music in the Life of Frank Lloyd Wright

Program creation and Music Direction by Jonathan Miller His imagination fired by music, Frank Lloyd Wright changed modern architecture forever. Hear the music of Wright’s own life–interspersed with his own words about music. Enjoy works from his favorite...

Holidays a cappella 1997

Program creation and Music Direction by Jonathan Miller Fresh arrangements of familiar carols combine with new works for a dazzling holiday concert.  Immerse yourself in the lush What Sweeter Music by Wayland Rogers, and Peter Saltzman’s new arrangement of Mi...

Tastes of Paradise: Music for Pleasures of the Palate

Program creation and Music Direction by Jonathan Miller Do you crave pleasure?  You’re not alone. Wars have been fought for substances of pleasure–spices, wine, coffee, herbs, tobacco, beer, and, of course, chocolate. Travel with us from the 13th century...

Music in the Life of Frank Lloyd Wright

Program creation and Music Direction by Jonathan Miller A command repeat performance — one night only!  His imagination fired by music, Frank Lloyd Wright changed the face of architecture forever. Hear the music of Wright’s own life—interspersed with his own...

Winter a cappella

Program creation and Music Direction by Jonathan Miller Revel in the best of the old and the new. Traditional carols meet with vibrant new scores from around the world. Join us for vocal-jazz holiday carols by Gene Puerling and Robert Convery; the famous chorale-motet...

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